1.a variety of situations and experiences that are sometimes good and sometimes bad
1.Strange to say also that this stone mother regardless of tide wave of ups and downs, always surfaced , the water will not be flooded.
2.Wind stopped, surrounded by static, but, my heart has ups and downs, and the hearts of the wind is not always quiet down.
3.After a day after the twilight hours of good, ups and downs of this adventure, this time just a prologue.
4.With its own tightly wrapped inside, might as well such as Chinese rose despite ups and downs like the wind and rain!
5.Can you imagine me, with all of my life experience, with someone who has not experienced all of the ups and downs of life?
6.E-commerce has ridden the ups and downs of the general economy over the past decade, but it has continued to grow throughout.
7.Regardless of exactly how two stars meet, the public seems to love to hear about the ups and downs of famous couples' romantic lives.
8.In that sense, the emotional ups and downs of our relationship are much like those of any other couple.
9.The veins in your complex, I read you as if thousands of years of ups and downs with depression, read your piety has always been the same.
10.'Our family has the same ups and downs as any other . . . the same challenges and the same joys, ' she said.